5 Quotes & Sayings By Marcus Fabius Quintilianus

Marcus Fabius Quintilianus was a Roman orator, statesman, lawyer, and the most influential teacher of rhetoric in Roman antiquity. He is widely credited with having established the basis for what came to be called the "Great Rhetoric" in the West. Quintilian was born in Spain, his exact place of birth is unknown, but it is known that he was raised in Rome.

Write quickly and you will never write well; write well,...
Write quickly and you will never write well; write well, and you will soon write quickly. Marcus Fabius Quintilianus
There is no one who would not rather appear to...
There is no one who would not rather appear to know than to be taught. Marcus Fabius Quintilianus
A Woman who is generous with her money is to...
A Woman who is generous with her money is to be praised; not so, if she is generous with her person Marcus Fabius Quintilianus
We should not write so that it is possible for the reader to understand us, but so that it is impossible for him to misunderstand us. Marcus Fabius Quintilianus